EnergyPlus Special Rate
- 60 Months -
EnergyPlusLoan Loan
- Same As Cash -
Efficiency Maine Home Energy Loan
-Low to Moderate Income-
For All Residential Maine & NH Residents
100% Financing
$2,500 - $35,000*
3, 5 or 10 year Terms
Any Equipment | Not a credit card
Low guaranteed payments
Payment flexibility
Easy application process
699-720 or higher credit score
15.99% 640-679
All loans are made directly to the consumer by National Energy Improvement Fund, LLC. Minimum loan amount is $2,500 and the Maximum loan amount is based on your credit, up to $35,000. Payment estimates based on 12.99% APR. Rates, contractor fees, plans and programs are subject to change.
For All Residential Maine & NH Residents
100% Financing
$2,500 - $35,000*
60 months 9.99%
Any Equipment | Not a credit card
Low guaranteed payments
Payment flexibility
Easy application process
The loan may be paid off early or paid ahead without penalty. All loans are made directly to the consumer by National Energy Improvement Fund, LLC. 9.99% APR for 60 equal monthly payments. Rates, contractor fees, plans and programs are subject to change.
For All Residential Maine Residents
Up to $7500
5 or 10 Year Terms
Low 4.99 APR
Low guaranteed payments
Easy application process
2024 YORK Promotions
0% 18 Months
0% 24 months
Full System - Heating & Cooling
Qualifying equipment only. Maximum financing values/amounts do apply per system based on trim level & efficiency. See Comfort Advisor for more details prior to applying for York Financing. All plans must be funded by December 31st in order to qualify for the special rate/terms.
For finance questions and assistance:
1. TIME PAYMENT: Key is informed of application approval and any other documents that are necessary through Time Payment. Once any necessary documents are satisfied by Time Payment installation work will commence. For any questions relating to this program, you can call 877-872-1532. Monthly payment is a function of the customer’s credit score. Time Payment is a finance company that specializes in leasing. Time Payment works off of internal costs and our customer’s payments do not float against fluctuations in the prime rate, as banks and most loans do. Payments are fixed, regardless of how high prime rate increases or if the customer has issues making the monthly payments. Time Payment does lien property and the payments do not change, even if an unexpected life-event takes place, which causes the customer to miss a payment or be very late. A customer needs to be past 30 days late before Time Payment will report that negativity to the credit bureaus. The customer has all the security of ownership, with the protection of a lease. The Lease to Own program, provides for 24, 36, 48 or 60 equal payments and the obligation is met, with the customer owning the equipment.